Sunday 3 July 2011

Wedding and wittering!!

We went to a friends wedding yesterday, it was a lovely church wedding with a fab vicar.  Then back to a hotel for the reception.  Well it was a day of lookie likies, in total we shared the day with Helen Mirren, Danielle from Eastenders, a fat Tom Clarkson from Waterloo Road, Shirley from Eastenders and Amy Winehouse!! 

I am a proud mother today.....
It was the summer fair for the RSPCA in York today.  I'm not going to get into RSPCA bashing here, people who know me know that I don't think, as a national organisation, they do as much as they should.  The local branch is fantastic.  I am a volunteer puppy trainer/socialiser there.  I get to go, play with and train puppies and get fantastic puppy cuddles.  This branch, as well as taking in cruelty cases also tends to take the strays found in York.  They do not put to sleep for any other reason than the animal is ill or 'beyond repair' behaviourally or physically.  Behavioural issues are worked with and assessed by their voluntary, independant behaviourist Morag Heirs.

So we did a puppy demonstration, to show how the puppies can sit and be calm and turn around.  Wow these pups have grown!!  I last saw them two weeks ago and they've moved from the puppy block to the grown up dogs block.  Oh they are gorgeous littly staffy puppies.  Well they came out of their kennel and just went 'waaaah-people and other dogs....wahey!'  Bless their little hearts they came into the ring and just couldn't believe all the people and dogs there, they just wanted to cuddle and greet everyone.  Unfortunately sits and lie downs went a little out of the window and I just enjoyed showing them off.

I entered my staffy Kelly into the dog show, in the Best Rescue class.  There were about 14 other dogs in the class, all with stories to tell, and quite a few sad ones.   A lot of the dogs were picked up as stray dogs, as was my Kelly, but the hardships they've had makes me so glad that Kelly seems to be well rounded and doesn't seem to have been abused. 

It's such a hot day, and Kelly was a bit grumpy with other dogs, but oh so excited to see all the people.  A little toddler came up to her and put her arms around her neck.  I thank God that Kelly is good with children.  The mother didn't ask me if she was good with kids but just let her child come up to Kelly and start round her face.  Kids need to be taught to approach dogs in the correct way, and ask permission from the handler, if the child can't ask then the mother should. There are many good websites to give further information about children and dogs, information to teach children can be found here.

Anyway, the reason why I'm a pround Mummy.....Kelly came third in the Best Rescue class and won a lovely rosette, a pack of dentasticks and a key ring for me!!  Am so proud of her!